NOVOGLAN treats phimosis safely and effectively at home

NOVOGLAN Tight Foreskin Phimosis Cure

NOVOGLAN treats phimosis safely and effectively at home

NOVOGLAN treats tight foreskin phimosis safely and effectively at home

So why use Novoglan to treat your tight foreskin?

A tight foreskin that triggers phimosis is usually caused by a trauma or irritation or as a result of incomplete development. You can get more information about phimosis and the tight foreskin by reading the Phimosis fact sheet at The evidence for treating a tight foreskin stringly supports the use of tissue expansion using a balloon under the foreskin.

10 years ago Novoglan patented  such a device and treatment programme which has been used by men all over the world to treat their tight foreskin. The novoglan balloon is inserted under the foreskin and then inflated. The process does not cause any pain or discomfort. It applies gentle even pressure across a broad part of the foreskin. This stimulates the growth of new foreskin cells leading to an increased circumference of the foreskin. This process takes a few weeks and usually leads to a foreskin that can be retracted safety and normally.

To get a better understanding of how successful Novoglan has been and how important the Novoglan tight foreskin treatment has been for tens of thousands of men all over the world, take a read of these real customer reviews:

Real Customer Novoglan Reviews

Novoglan fixed my tight foreskin. Its been 12 months since I used Novoglan and my foreskin is still normal. I recommend Novoglan to any guy with a tight foreskin

Geoff, Denver USA

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I used Novoglan foreskin stretcher for 2 weeks at home and my phimosis was gone. I use the cream daily to make sure I never get phimosis again. So far so good

Ryan, Seattle USA

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I had two options: circumcision or stretching. Sure the Novoglan Gentle Foreskin Stretcher doesn’t look pretty, but it sure does work. Thank you Novoglan.

Raymond, United Kingdom

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I’ve had phimosis all my life and never truly was able to function at my full potential nor be as confident in myself. Novoglan, you saved me!!! That’s all I can really say is you truly saved me. I’m no longer in agony and despair. I’m treated & normal. Thank you!

Zac, New York USA

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Many thanks for your great customer service and advice. I’ve only been using the device for a couple of days now and already noticed an improvement. I can retract my foreskin now – what a relief!

Chris, United Kingdom

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